사이트에 등록된 모든 정보의 검색결과 입니다.

전문자료 네이버 검색결과 NAVER OpenAPI

A Study on the Investment Factors of Commercial Real Estate The neighborhood commercial center, the small-sized lucrative real estate,
Is disposal of trusted real estate in registrationtitle trust punishable by embezzlementto the title truster? 대법원 2016. 5. 19.
An Empirical Study on the Influence of the Possession and Investment Estate on the Value of Firm 본 연구는 기업의 보유 부동
Influence Factors of Typical Real Estate Development Projects 부동산 개발사업에서 가장 중요한 의사결정 포인트는
A Legal Theory on Name Transfer of Real Property The legal theory on name transfer of real property 목차 부동산명의신탁의 법
Real estate development requires huge capital investment and a long project period, so, it has very risky characteristics. Typical app
Comparison of Models to Forecast Real Estates Index Introducing Machine Learning 서울의 부동산 가격은 다양한 정책에도
Analysis on the Importance of Real Estate Project Financing Risks from the Angle of Financial Institutions This study analyzes risk fac
Relationship between owner-occupied property and investment property owned by manufacturing companies [연구목적]최근 정부의
A Study on Property Tax Increase - Focused on U.S. Property Tax - 본 논문은 부동산 보유세제의 지향점을 토대로 보유
A Study on Real Estate Crowdfunding Investment Decision Making: Focusing on P2P Real Estate Mortgage Loans IT 기술의 발전으로
Reorganization Direction of Real Estate Ownership System in Unified Korea -Focusing on Land and Housing- 현재의 남북한이 장래
A study on problems and improvement of government's real estate policy 본 논문은 정부 부동산 정책의 문제점과 개선방
The Real Estate Tax Policy and the Housing Market Stabilization - Focused on the Property Possession Tax and the Transaction Tax - 본
Evaluation of Value-for-Money for Real Estate Development Projects 부동산개발사업은 건설이 시작되기 전부터 고려해
Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 가격거품 이론과 기존의 실증분석 Ⅲ. 우리나라 부동산 가격의 실증분석 Ⅳ. 요약 및 결
A Study on the Change of Real Estate Registration by Blockchain 제4차 산업혁명 시대에 중요한 기술적 혁신 중의 하나
A Study on Project Financing in Real Estate Development 요약문=125,125,1 I. 서론=126,126,2 II. 프로젝트 파이낸싱과 부
A Suggestion on the Revised Bills of the Civil Act and the like to Improve the Current System of Right of Retention or Possessory Lien
A Study on Determinants of the Capitalization Rate of Residential Real Estate: Focused on Monthly Rent Apartment in Seoul 본 연구는
현재 보고계신 사이트는 cgimall솔루션 사용자데모입니다.

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