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An Empirical Study on the Causality among Real Estate Polices, Real Estate Market and Stock Market 본 연구는 2000년부터 2013년
Real Estate, Inequality and National Land Holding Tax1 한국에서 일반 국민은 부동산이 재산불평등의 핵심일 뿐만
A Study on the Preference Factors of Real Estate Investment 세계금융위기 이후 경제활성화를 위한 저금리 정책이 지
Lessons of systems thinking on housing policy This paper deals with the policy failure in housing markets. In order to understand basic
Corporate Investment Real Estate and Corporate Value: Evidence from Korean Listed Companies 본 연구에서는 한국기업의 투자
이 연구에서는 재산세와 종합부동산세로 대표되는 부동산보유세 변화의 거시경제 파급효과를 살펴
A Study on the Smart Contract and Real Property Transaction System 스마트 계약은 비트코인 블록체인의 경직성을 개선
(The)spatio-temporal patterns of the vacant homes clusters and their impact on the neighborhood land price : the case of Busan metropol
A Study on Problems of Compulsory Execution of a Real Estate lien and a Legislative Review on It 부동산 유치권의 법정담보물
Evaluating the Participatory Government’s Real Estate Policy: the Case of Price Stabilization Policy in the Housing Market 본고는
Correlation Analysis between the Korean REITs and the Property Market and the Capital Market 우리나라는 2001년 외환위기 이
An Analysis on the Impacts of Changes in Publicly Noticed Value of Real Estate Price(PNV) on Local Public Finance 본 논문에서는
A Study on Real Estate Transactions and Blockchain 2018년의 블록체인 열풍은 해를 넘기고 계속되고 있다. 블록체인
The Impact of the Risk Factors on the Selling Price in the Real Estate Auction Market:Focusing on One-Room Housings in the Daegu Metrop
The Impact of Real Estate Information Systems Quality on Brokerage Performance -Work with Realtors- This study has its significance in
Characteristics of Project Financing and the Factors Influencing Financial Conditions in Real Estate Development 본 연구는 부동
A Study on the Impact of Internet Real Estate Service Quality on Revisit Intention 오늘날 부동산 시장에서 인터넷이 중요
A Study on the Feasibility of Projects to which the Real Estate Project Finance is Applied 부동산 PF가 실제 적용된 국내 부
The panel data analysis about determinants affecting the real estate holding ratio of firms 본 연구는 기업의 부동산 보유비
A Study on the propriety of punishing “double selling of the real esatate” as a breach of trust of article 355 paragraph 2 of Korea
현재 보고계신 사이트는 cgimall솔루션 사용자데모입니다.

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